Home Automation Integration for Paxton Net2 Access Control


The front door has an electric lock managed by a Paxton Net2 access control system. The main reason for specifying this particular system was:

  • Key-fobs with unique ID codes, enabling individual fobs to be revoked if lost or stolen
  • Different access rules for different fobs, enabling cleaning or maintenance personnel to be allowed access during specific hours while ‘trusted’ users are permitted 24 x 7 access

The system consists of Door Controllers which take input from the fob readers and decide whether to close the relays to open the door or set / unset the intruder alarm – and an Administration Application which manages one or more Door Controllers. The Administration Application only runs on Microsoft Windows.


Various commercial organizations have developed integrations to the Paxton Net2 ecosystem. One such organization, IntoAccess, market a range of different solutions aimed at enterprise customers. In addition, they provide an Open Source set of Python scripts (“Net2Scripting”) which act as a wrapper to the .NET API implemented by the Paxton Net2 DLLs.

See https://github.com/cor-kalis/Net2Scripting

CC BY-SA 4.0 Home Automation Integration for Paxton Net2 Access Control by Marsh Flatts Farm Self Build Diary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.